The next meeting of the Sutton ICD Support Group:
Monday, 12th February, 2024
3.00 - 4.30 pm
3.00 - 4.30 pm
Place: New Education Centre,
Good Hope Hospital, Sutton Coldfield
(Click on map below to enlarge it.)
(Click on map below to enlarge it.)
Members will meet, chat,
and listen to a presentation from
Stewart Black, HF ACP, Heartlands Hospital
Stewart Black, HF ACP, Heartlands Hospital
Heart Failure: What is it and how can ICDs help
Further meetings will be arranged for 2024
There will be the usual opportunity for questions and answers
Meet other ICD patients
Share experiences
Renew friendships
Good Hope Hospital respectfully asks:
Please do not attend if you are feeling clinically unwell in anyway, if you are taking a course of antibiotics, or have had symptoms of nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea within the last 48 hours.
Please remain at home and consult an appropriate healthcare professional.
Good Hope Hospital respectfully asks:
Please do not attend if you are feeling clinically unwell in anyway, if you are taking a course of antibiotics, or have had symptoms of nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea within the last 48 hours.
Please remain at home and consult an appropriate healthcare professional.
Whilst the Sutton ICD Support Group makes every effort to ensure accurate information,
we disclaim any legal responsibility for actions as a result of the contents of this page.